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Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology (JNO) is the official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society. The Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology keeps pace with important advances in all spheres of the neurologic and ophthalmologic sciences. Clinicians and researchers worldwide report on recent development in diagnosing and treating ophthalmologic, neurologic, endocrine, inflammatory, and neoplastic conditions affecting the oculomotor and visual systems. The official website can be found here.
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(Unknown Patients for Residents in Ophthalmology or Neurology Training) is a NANOS/JNO joint project aimed at piquing the interest of medical students, as well as ophthalmology and neurology residents before they have made final career plans, in order to expose them to what we do. Selected cases will be in a citable format and presented as a narrated PowerPoint. Please note that these cases should written at a resident level or above.
As a reminder, we ask that all UPFRONT cases be constructed by Attendings, Fellows, or Residents, but not medical students. The reason for this is we have seen that the medical student constructed cases may misjudge the level of familiarity with the case content by ophthalmology and neurology residents, which has limited the ability of the case to engage the target audience. Students may participate and be associate authors, but not as the principal author. Please note that published cases appear on the JNO home page and are citable.
INTERESTED? Please email Larry Frohman at frohman@njms.rutgers.edu with a 3-5 sentence summary of your case. Please note, a NANOS member who is a neuro-ophthalmologist must agree to be an author/mentor for any trainee/non-member submissions. Please contact info@nanosweb.org with any questions.
NEED INSPIRATION? Check out the cases below that have already been published.
Case 7: "Post-Operative Vision Loss" by Amir Ali, Subahari Raviskanthan, Ardalan Sharifi, Andrew G. Lee