NANOSnet Search Instructions

Instructions for how to find and review the NANOSNET message archives, and answers to other Frequently Asked Questions are also viewable on the member portal at:



How do I search the NANOSNET archives? :

  1. Please click here to access the NANOSNET archives management portal.  
  2. Then choose the list whose archive you wish to search.
  3. On the next page, if you don't have a password associated with your list email address, please click on the link "Get Password" to register a listserv password. 
  4. You then login, and let your browser set a cookie if possible.
  5. On the next page, fill in the search String box with minimal criteria to find what you want, and choose Search
  6. As a test: (Try entering "LHON" in the box to see what comes up)
  7. You can then click on the post number of the post that looks interesting to see it in its entirety.  
Search Link