NANOS 2022-2024 Committee Rosters

Click here to access the NANOS 2024-2026 Committee Rosters. 

Committee and Organizational Posters:
Click here to view the committee and organizational posters from the NANOS 2023 Annual Meeting.
Click here to view the committee and organizational posters from the NANOS 2022 Annual Meeting.


Arm Officer: N. Newman
At Large: J. Falardeau

Curriculum Committee

Chair: S. Kedar
Vice Chair: Z. Williams
Vice Chair: K. Digre

NOVEL Committee
Chair: M. Seay
Vice Chair: D. Gold

NOVEL Editorial Board
Chair: G. Szatmary
Vice Chair: J. Bailey

Fellowship Committee
Chair: J. Chen
Vice Chair: M. Lee

Patient Information Committee
Chair: D. Mackay
Vice Chair: V. Elmalem

AAO Committee
Chair/AAO Councilor: M. Tamhankar
Vice Chair: C. Boisvert

Hoyt Selection Subcommittee
Chair: S. Feldon
Vice Chair: V. Biousse

AAN Committee
Chair: A. Antonio
Vice Chair: N. Rasool

New Knowledge in Neuro-Ophthalmology Committee
Chair: J. Chen
Vice Chair: N. Newman


Arm Officer: H. Moss
At Large: L. DeLott

Scientific Program Committee
Chair: H. Moss
Vice Chair: M. Ko

Abstract Committee
Chair: S. Pineles
Vice Chair: M. Chang

Walsh Committee
Chair: J. Chen
Vice Chair: L. De Lott

Jacobson Lecture Subcommittee
Chair: P. McNussen
Vice Chair: F. Costello


Arm Officer: M. Moster
At Large: K. Lai

Finance Committee
Chair: M. Moster
Vice Chair: K. Lai

Investment Subcommittee
Chair: M. Wall
Vice Chair: K. Lai

Audit Committee
Chair: M. Di Nome
Vice Chair: M. Moster

Development Committee
Co-Chair: B. Frishberg
Co-Chair: M. Moster
Vice Chair: K. Winges


Arm Officer: A. Lee
At Large: L. Gordon

Practice Support Committee
Chair: C. Boisvert
Vice Chair: B. Yates

Productivity & Compensation Committee
Chair: P. McNussen
Vice Chair: 

Advocacy Committee
Co-Chair: M. Ko
Co-Chair: B. Yates
Vice Chair: C. Glisson

Outcome Measures Committee
Co-Chair: H. Moss
Co-Chair: J. Chen


Arm Officer: J. Chen
At Large: V. Pelak

Research Committee
Chair: K. Shindler
Vice Chair: K. Gokoffski

Publications Committee
Chair: V. Pelak
Vice Chair: V. Patel

Demonstration of Neuro-Ophthalmology Value Committee
Chair: L. De Lott

YONO Committee
Co-Chair: N. Rasool
Co-Chair: A. Melson

WIN Commmittee
Chair: S. Khanna
Vice Chair: A. Henderson


Arm Officer: M. Ko
At Large: C. Francis

International Relations Committee
Chair: S. Hamann
Vice Chair: C. Chan

Membership Committee
Co-Chair: C. Francis
Co-Chair: C. Boisvert

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Taskforce
Chair: O. Adesina
Vice Chair: C. Prospero Ponce

Neuro-Ophthalmology Pipeline Committee
Co-Chair: A. Szweka
Co-Chair: J. Falardeau

Social Media & Digital Strategy Committee
Chair: K. Lai
Vice Chair: M. Bouffard


Arm Officer: P. Subramanian
At Large: O. Adesina

Executive Committee
Chair: P. Quiros

AMA Liaison
AMA Delegate: B. Frishberg
AMA Alternate Delegate: A. Antonio 

Bylaws Committee
Chair: P. McNussen
Vice Chair: D. Friedman

Ethics Committee
Chair: A. Carey
Vice Chair: D. Friedman

Strategic Planning Committee
Chair: L. Frohman
Vice Chair: P. Subramanian

Nominating Committee
Chair: P. Subramanian



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