NANOS Spotlight - October 2019



NANOS Spotlight is a Society newsletter that keeps NANOS members informed of what's going on in the Society, highlights member achievements, celebrates member successes and Society accomplishments, welcomes new members, summarizes member benefits, and much more. Enjoy our October 2019 issue below dedicated to NOVEL, NANOS 2020 Annual Meeting and other news.  Click here to view past issues.


Kathleen Digre, MD, Chair, NOVEL Committee

Daniel Gold, MD
Vice Chair, NOVEL Committee

Nancy Lombardo, Eccles Health Sciences

Committee Purpose?

The purpose of the NOVEL Committee is to encourage growth and development of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL), creating, guiding and prioritizing activities. All materials in NOVEL are reviewed and approved through peer review by the NANOS NOVEL Editorial Board. To do this project we have collaborated with the Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah.

Recent Achievement(s) or Update(s)?

Our BIG project last year was completing and publishing the NANOS Neuro-ophthalmology Examination Techniques (NANOS NExT), as a separate licensed product in Stat!Ref, combined with the Walsh and Hoyt Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology textbook.  This product is filled with videos, presentations, and documents that highlight the complete list of neuro-ophthalmology examinations.  This is a new method of publication; a cross between an e-book and online living text book.

The NANOS Illustrated Curriculum in Neuro-ophthalmology (IC), also a licensed publication in Stat!Ref, has now been linked to the three Oxford Press titles with NANOS member authors:
•    Neuroimaging in Ophthalmology 2/e, 2011, Lee, Policeni, Johnson
•    Neurology of Eye Movements 5/e, 2015, Leigh & Zee
•    Eye Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice, 2014, Wray

The NANOS IC is also on the NANOS Web site as a member benefit. In addition, we have developed a smaller subset of the Curriculum, aimed at neurologists. Both of these outlines with links to the selected materials in the NOVEL collections are accessible for members at this link on the NANOS Web site:

NANOS Products on StatRef!: How to subscribe
NANOS Examination Techniques (NExT) for Neuro-Ophthalmology
NANOS Illustrated Curriculum for Neuro-Ophthalmology
•    Walsh & Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology 6th Ed. (Included with either product)
1)    Institutional License:
Ask your academic librarian to add NExT and NANOS Illustrated Curriculum to their library’s STAT!Ref subscription.
2)    Individual License:
Contact Teton Data Systems:, 800-901-5494

Future Goal(s)?

Our next BIG project involves collaboration with the Curriculum Committee (Chair: Sachin Kedar) and the NOVEL Editorial Board (Chair: Tariq Bhatti). The NANOS Neuro-ophthalmology Curriculum is being updated by a task force of the Curriculum committee (Sachin Kedar, Kathleen Digre, Valerie Biousse). First published in 2006, this curriculum will be revised and re-organized to incorporate recent developments in the field and align it with the requirements of various accreditation bodies. When the outline is finalized, we will recruit Section Editors, who will be responsible for reviewing their sections and soliciting new learning objects to thoroughly cover all the topics in their area. This work will be reflected in the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum on the NANOS Web site for Members Only (login required) and in the Stat!Ref platform.
We continue to update and enhance other collections and we encourage submissions to the NOVEL library.

NANOS Annual Meeting: We have completed the addition of available 2019 meeting materials.

JNO: All issues have been added, maintaining the one year embargo as agreed upon with LWW.

•    Work continues on the Daniel Gold Collection (Johns Hopkins).
•    Continue to work with Andy Lee adding videos on neuro-ophthalmological condition pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment modalities into a NOVEL collection.
•    Working with Shirley Wray to get her Signs Rounds collection into NOVEL
•    Sachin Kedar’s Curriculum Committee identifies high educational yield pieces from the NANOS Annual Meeting and these are added to our Illustrated Curriculum.
•    Working on the Loewenfeld materials and will have a digital exhibit on the career of Irene Loewenfeld soon.

Click here to view the NOVEL webpage.


Registration is now open. Please click here to view the registration pricing.

HURRY UP!! Submit your abstract by October 31, 2019. Please review the abstract submission guidelines listed below in detail prior to submitting your abstract(s).

We are pleased to offer a discounted room rate of $239 until February 14th, 2020 (or until the room block sells out).  Please click here to book your room or call 1-800-843-6664 and reference the NANOS group.


"The NANOS meeting and Walsh are the highlights of my year."
— 2019 NANOS Annual Meeting Attendee and a long-time member of NANOS

"I always find the annual meetings excellent. So nice to get CME hours that are relevant to what I do every day."
— Marybeth Grazko, MD
2019 NANOS Annual Meeting Attendee

"I most treasure the colleagiality of the annual meetings and ability to connect with other neuro-ophthalmologists face to face in a relatively small conference."
— Steven Hamilton, MD
2019 NANOS Annual Meeting Attendee and a long-time member of NANOS

"NANOS is invaluable in all aspects of a neuro-ophthalmology career with networking opportunities, resources for academic and practice pursuits, and educational offerings that are second-to-none."
— Victoria Pelak, MD
2019 NANOS Annual Meeting Attendee and a long-time member of NANOS


2nd Annual Conference Indian Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (INOS) - FEATURES NANOS CO-SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM 

30th November - 1st December, 2019
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
The theme of the conference is Comprehensive Neuro-Ophthalmology

Drs. Celia Chen, Kannan Narayan, Madhura Tamhankar, Padmaja Sudhakar, Sachin Kedar, Sangeeta Khanna, Sharon Tow and Swaraj Bose are among invited International Speakers.



The NANOS 2019 Annual Meeting is now available on NOVEL. Click here to view all NOVEL collections.


NANOS will be launching a new Career Center in the next couple of months. Stay tuned for other news and updates.


  • The application window for Fight for Sight/NANOS joint Award is now closed. The recipient will be announced once identified by the Fight for Sight/NANOS Review Board.
  • Thomas and Susan Carlow Young Investigator Award. Read more


  • NANOS was well represented at the AAO 2019 Annual Meeting. Here are some highlights in case you missed it on our Facebook and Twitter.
NANOS powerhouse panel at the AAO Neuro-Ophthalmology Subday

"Life goal accomplished today: incorporating Star Wars into my talk at the American Academy of Ophthalmology", Melissa Ko, MD
Another successful NANOS Board meeting led by inspirational leaders, dedicated volunteers, excellent crew and unstoppable power.
Great Debate Session led by NANOS members
NANOS is proud to support the American Academy of Ophthalmology and AUPO Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring (MOM) program and to be part of the MOM activities.

Dr. John L. Keltner is giving the 2019 Hoyt Lecture entitled "CAR-Unexplained Visual Loss"
  • NANOS would like to congratulate all the members who received the AAO Secretariat Award at the AAO 2019 Annual Meeting. Way to Go!!
    Kevin E. Lai, MD, Indianapolis, IN
    Leah Levi, MD, La Jolla, CA
    Louise A. Mawn MD, Nashville, TN
    Michael S. Lee, MD, Minneapolis, MN


Do you want to be featured in the future Spotlight issues or have something interesting to share? Find out more about the NANOS Member Recognition program and CLICK HERE to access the online submission form to acknowledge yourself or another NANOS member today (member login required)!



"NANOS is the only organization that is dedicated to Neuro-ophthalmology on a consistent basis. I find that when I go to the NANOS meetings I ALWAYS learn something New. It really helps me to keep abreast of the current Neuro-Ophthalmology knowledge. For the above reasons I will continue to contribute to NANOS." J L Keltner

— John L Keltner, a long-time member of NANOS


Consider making a donation to support our future meetings, research, and educational initiatives. Click here to view the list of current donors and make a donation. Thank you!


Whether it’s a holiday, your birthday, or other event, you can create a fundraiser to ask your Facebook friends and family to support NANOS. Help NANOS advance our mission and spread the word about our field, neuro-ophthalmic diseases, education, and patient care. Detailed instructions can be found here


NANOS continues to recognize Fellow and International Fellow members at our Annual Meetings, where these members are presented with a certificate.
Eligible for Fellow Status? Please click here to find out more, download the application form, and apply now!



Like NANOS on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@NANOSTweets) to share your membership and Annual Meeting experience.



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952.646.2037 |

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