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Patricia Johnston McNussen, MD |
Describe the NANOS Board using 3 words. Dedicated, Committed, Hardworking
Tell us about your journey to the NANOS Board in 3 sentences. I joined the Membership Committee many years ago to help support and contribute to NANOS. I gradually became involved with other committees over a number of years, including Ethics, Bylaws, Nominating, Productivity and Compensation. I was nominated for the NANOS Board by some board members, confirmed by the Nominating Committee, and voted in by the NANOS membership.
What did you enjoy most about your Board service? Getting to know my fellow board members and watching a dedicated group work for the good of NANOS.
Based on your experience, what advice about Board service would you give to a new member of the Board? Sit down with an experienced board member or the executive Vice President and discuss what you can contribute. Read your emails and participate in the discussions.
What do you wish you had known when you joined the Board but did not know? There is a lot of email discussion and lots of work to do.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned about governance matters? NANOS is run by people who care deeply about NANOS and Neuro-Ophthalmology, and work hard. I am very grateful for such wonderful people who serve our society.
What do you feel was the most meaningful aspect/contribution/part of being on the NANOS Board? Working with others to advance the practice of Neuro-Ophthalmology, and helping with the NANOS Compensation Survey.