Dear Colleagues:
The Academy is very pleased to announce that twenty ophthalmologists were chosen via a competitive selection process to participate in the Academy's Leadership Development Program (LDP) XVIII, class of 2016.
A sincere thanks to all state, subspecialty and specialized interest societies who submitted nominations for consideration. In addition, the international who was selected, Yvonne M. Delaney, MBBcH of Ireland, was nominated jointly by the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) and the Irish College of Ophthalmology.
Based on program evaluations, we are committed to maintaining a small class size to maximize interaction and collaborative learning.
Congratulations to the LDP XVIII, Class of 2016!
1. Marie D. Acierno, MD - North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
2. Sophie J. Bakri, MD - Macula Society
3. Erin P. Benjamin, DO - American Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology
4. Audina M. Berrocal, MD - Retina Society
5. Yvonne M. Delaney, MBBcH - European Society of Ophthalmology / Irish College of Ophthalmology
6. Hardeep S. Dhindsa, MD - Nevada Academy of Ophthalmology
7. Michael R. Feilmeier, MD - Nebraska Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
8. John M. Franklin, MD - Kentucky Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
9. Anat Galor, MD, MSPH- Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group
10.Laura K. Green, MD - Maryland Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
11.Gaurav Gupta, MD, MBA - Rhode Island Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
12.Ben J. Harvey, MD - Oklahoma Academy of Ophthalmology
13.Sohail J. Hasan, MD, PhD - Illinois Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
14.Joel H. Herring, MD - Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
15.John T. Knapp, MD - Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology
16.Aaron Y. Lee, MD - Washington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons
17.Purnima S. Patel, MD - Georgia Society of Ophthalmology
18.H. Nida Sen, MD, MHS - American Uveitis Society
19.Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS - American Glaucoma Society
20.George O. Waring IV, MD - International Society of Refractive Surgery
The class will begin with a LDP Orientation Session at AAO 2015, the Academy's annual meeting in Las Vegas. They will be joined in the orientation by participants in the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology's Curso de Liderazgo. Both classes will meet again January 15-17, 2016 for a joint session in San Francisco.
If you have any questions about the Academy's Leadership Development Program, please contact Gail Schmidt, Director of Ophthalmic Society Relations.
Congrats again to all participants and nominating societies.
Nikos Bechrakis, MD - Director, SOE EuLDP
Mike Brennan, MD - International Envoy
Zelia Correa, MD, PhD, Director, PAAO Curso de Liderazgo