NANOS Spotlight is a Society newsletter that keeps NANOS members informed of what's going on in the Society, highlights member achievements, celebrates member successes and Society accomplishments, features NANOS volunteers and member resources, and much more. Enjoy our September 2022 issue and click here to check out our past issues.
NANOS COMMITTEE UPDATES Did you know that NANOS has 40+ committees and taskforces? NANOS is proud of and grateful for having so many engaged volunteers who are passionate about advancing our mission. All our volunteers are the blood vessels of our organization. All that NANOS does ties back to their ongoing efforts and hard work behind the scenes.
UPDATES FROM PROGRAM & ABSTRACT COMMITTEES: 2023 ANNUAL MEETING UPDATES The NANOS 49th Annual Meeting will take place in person March 11-16, 2023 at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in Orlando, FL. Those who can't attend the meeting in person will be offered an on-demand option with CME credits, April 5-August 31, 2023 (now extended!). Please check out our 2023 Annual Meeting information here.
ABSTRACTS We are excited to launch a new abstract portal this year with enhanced features that make submitting your abstract easier than ever. The deadline to submit abstracts is 11:59 pm EDT on Thursday, October 20, 2022.
Get inspired by the "Better Poster" video and note that all printed posters will be vertical/portrait in orientation!
HOTEL INFORMATION The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate in Orlando, FL. NANOS has negotiated a group rate of $259 plus tax. Click here to book your room or call 800-843-6664.
EXHIBITS AND SUPPORT The NANOS 2023 Exhibit and Support Prospectus will be available soon! If you have any questions about supporting the Annual Meeting, please contact Christa Martin at christa@nanosweb.org.
NANOS AND THE AMA Did you know NANOS has a vote in the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates (HOD), which has over 650 members who meet twice annually to conduct the business of the AMA? NANOS gained a seat in the House of Delegate (HOD) through our membership in the Specialty and Service Society (SSS), which is the overarching organization for specialty and subspecialty groups.

Dr. Ben Frishberg is NANOS AMA Delegate. He attended the AMA meeting in Chicago last month and has a message for you. Click here to read his report about the work AMA does and how it is relevant to Neuro-Ophthalmology.
 Prem S. Subramanian, MD, PhD NANOS President | | What are your main 3 goals for your term as NANOS President?
- Advocating for the profession of neuro-ophthalmology: Obtaining additional support from parent societies and closely aligned subspecialties as well as AUPO to help our members succeed academically and financially in both university and private practice settings.
- Increasing NANOS’s impact and visibility: Broaden our influence through engagement of our international members in our educational mission; we also should consider novel means to improve neuro-ophth education worldwide (especially in underserved areas).
- NANOS for all: Continuing to ensure full membership representation on committees and the Board and identifying gaps to fill.
Read the full Interview here.
The proposed amendment about a new International Board member has been approved by the NANOS membership. The summary of the bylaws changes:
- International Board member is to be appointed at the discretion of President for a 2-year term with allowance for reappointment twice (total of 6 years).
- The term will coincide with the Officer rotation cycle.
- This position is non-voting, advisory.
Welcome Susan Mollan, NANOS's first International Board member. |
UPDATES FROM THE NOVEL COMMITTEE: Illustrated Curriculum as official neuro-ophthalmology curriculum
As of July 11, 2022, the NOVEL Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated Curriculum has been adopted as the official subject matter curriculum to be used by AUPO FCC compliant neuro-ophthalmology fellowship programs.
TDS, Health Partnership and Stat!Ref product you need to know about:
Since 2016, NANOS and Eccles Health Sciences Library of the University of Utah have partnered with Teton Data Systems to create neuro-ophthalmology products on TDS Health, an online curricular and reference platform. Contact your librarian today and ask them to add these NANOS products to your library:
To learn more about NANOS curricular products in Stat!Ref, contact TDS Health at www.tetondata.com, 800-901-5494. Read full press release here.
UPDATES FROM THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE: NANOS PILOT RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAM NANOS recognizes the need to stimulate investigator-initiated research programs in Neuro-Ophthalmology. The NANOS Pilot Research Grant Program provides a one-year, non-renewable source of funding to help principal investigators generate preliminary data that will lead to additional funding from other national agencies or foundations. Submission deadline is February 20th, 2023.
Please submit one PDF of the entire application materials to meetings@nanosweb.org. Learn more here.
THOMAS AND SUSAN CARLOW YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD This North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) sponsored award of $1,000 and meeting registration reimbursement will be given to a candidate or active NANOS member and is designed to encourage basic or clinical research in Neuro-Ophthalmology. The Research Committee will consider scientific originality, academic merit, and relevance as criteria when reviewing the total body of work of an investigator. In addition, the quality of a representative new research manuscript will also be evaluated as part of the review process. (Please note that an abstract must be submitted via the online submission site.) Submission deadline is November 30th, 2022.
Submit materials in one PDF to NANOS Executive Office via email at meetings@nanosweb.org.
Neuro-ophthalmology Fellowship Programs will participate in a Formal Match through the San Francisco Match for Fellowship Positions for 2024 start date and beyond.
- Applicants for 2023 start date should contact programs directly to apply.
- Applicants for 2024 start date and subsequent years should monitor this website for updated information, as the match is currently in the process of being established. Direct application to individual programs is no longer permitted for 2024 start date or beyond.
- Any positions already filled prior to June 4, 2022 will be honored.
UPDATES FROM THE PRACTICE SUPPORT COMMITTEE: NEW! Partnership between Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC) and NANOS How does it impact NANOS members? Since NANOS is a partner society of Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC), all US- and ophthalmology-based NANOS members who are insured by OMIC will receive an additional premium discount. Currently, NANOS members were eligible to receive a discount after completing an approved OMIC risk management event. Beginning January 1, 2023, OMIC will automatically award a 5% discount to NANOS members. Additionally, any insured physician that completes an OMIC risk management event will receive the standard 5% OMIC risk management discount, adding to a total of 10% savings!
UPDATES FROM THE AAO COMMITTEE: Drs. Prem Subramanian, Andrew Lee, and Barbara Yates attended the Ophthalmic Leadership Advocacy Group (OLAG) virtual meeting in August to discuss upcoming changes to the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. A full summary of the meeting and the payment discussions is located here.
NANOS members were well-represented at the recent Women in Ophthalmology Summer Symposium in Monterey, CA. Featured on the live and hybrid virtual program for over 1300 registrants were Sophia Chung, Lauren Ditta, Joyce Liao, Maja Kostic, and Kimberly Winges, Secretary of WIO and Co-Chair of the WIO Abstract Committee. Thirty-seven neuro-ophthalmology posters were presented, including Zoe Williams’ medical student Gauri Patil, who was awarded the top neuro-ophthalmology selection! NANOS continues to partner with other professional organizations like WIO to keep neuro-ophthalmology current for and attractive to all. For more information and to see photos of the event, click here.
REMINDER FROM THE MEMBERSHIP RETENTION & RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE: SUBMIT YOUR 2023 MERIT AWARD NOMINATION We invite you to submit your nominations for the NANOS 2023 Merit Award, which now comes with one-year complimentary dues.
Deadline: November 6, 2022 Click here to learn more about the Merit Award.
UPDATES FROM THE NEW KNOWLEDGE IN NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY COMMITTEE: A longitudinal observational study from Vienna MS database (VMSD) demonstrated retinal layer thinning after optic neuritis may be useful as a marker of future relapse remission in relapsing MS. – Article • Twitter • Facebook
Machine learning of visual fields from the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial reveals new information about visual loss and recovery in optic neuritis. – Article • Twitter • Facebook
A study providing Class III evidence that SD-OCT accurately distinguishes multiple sclerosis from normal controls as compared to clinical criteria.. – Article • Twitter • Facebook
NEW! PATIENT BROCHURE INFOGRAPHICS Patient Brochure Infographics for clinician distribution are now available on the NANOS website. Thank you to the Patient Information committee for all the hard work behind the scenes!

Please note that these infographics are for clinicians to use in clinical practice as a simple, one-page document to give to patients (particularly those looking for trusted information on the Internet regarding their symptoms or disorder). The patient can scan the QR code or type one or more of the web addresses into a web browser for access to a brochure with more information and links to trusted sources of additional information. Please note that the infographic file contains a white box in the upper right corner where clinicians are encouraged to insert their own institutional logo.
The WIN community had another successful WIN Leadership Book Club discussing Time Management strategies and have some takeaways to share with the entire NANOS community.
This book comes from the perspective of someone that was once disorganized and determined that she was wasting so much of her time that she created a time management system. Some reminders:
- Being organized means Being Ready.
- Delegating is an important art to master.
- Breaking tasks up into several scheduled, doable steps will go a long way.
- Develop your big-picture goals - rise above the chaos and keep your perspective.
- Determine activities to help you achieve your goals. Write down both.
- Create your ideal balance that will be different for everyone.
- Forgive yourself for failures.
- Celebrate your successes.
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All books selected for the WIN Leadership Book Club tend to focus on how to improve leadership presence in the workplace, strengthen diplomatic skills, improve negotiations, foster mentorship, and improve relationships.
INTERESTED IN JOINING THE NEXT BOOK CLUB MEETING? The next WIN Leadership Book club will be October 9, 2022 at 2pm PST, hosted by Sangeeta Khanna. We will be reviewing the book Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work, by Andrea Kramer and Alton Harris. Contact Barbara Yates at docbarb@gmail.com to get involved. Happy reading!
DEI COMMITTEE REMINDER Diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to the NANOS culture and we are committed to creating an equitable and inclusive Society for all. Update your demographic information (optional) in the NANOS member profile and help us ensure that we are a diverse, equitable, and inclusive group.
How Your Information Helps When you voluntarily provide this demographic information, it contributes to NANOS's understanding of the composition of its membership. Here’s how NANOS may use your information:
- To ensure that leaders, speakers, presenters, and award recipients reflect that diversity.
- To measure how diversity in neuro-ophthalmology compares with other medical specialties.
- To help decide what programs and services NANOS should develop to serve different member segments.
How Your Information Is Protected Here’s how NANOS will protect your information and give you control of it:
- Your demographic data will not be displayed publicly.
- You may review and update your demographic information through your NANOS member profile at any time.
Together we can overcome the challenges of today and build a better tomorrow for everyone.
FREE ONLINE CME ACTIVITY ON TED Earn up to 1.75 CME/ABO CC Part II credits with this lecture activity available on Healio CME. Drs. Raymond S. Douglas, Christian Nasr, Terry J. Smith, Prem S. Subramanian, and Sara Tullis Wester discuss differential diagnosis, pathogenesis, and medical treatment trends of TED.
Disclaimer: This symposium is organized by Vindico Medical Education with grant support from Genentech. NANOS is not the CME provider for this activity.
OTHER MEETINGS OF INTEREST NANOS is committed to promoting medical education and the exchange of scientific information in order to support our primary mission of achieving excellence in patient care through the support and promotion of education. In addition, NANOS is committed to promoting collaboration among medical specialties, and among healthcare providers in different parts of the world who share our values.
NANOS will promote meetings of interest to neuro-ophthalmologists on the “Other Meetings of Interest” webpage if the following two criteria are met:
- A NANOS member is chairing/organizing a session of the meeting.
- The program is of neuro-ophthalmologic interest.
To request a posting on the NANOS website, please send your promotion request to christa@nanosweb.org and confirm that the meeting qualifies based on the two criteria listed above.
Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellow at Indiana University School of Medicine • Learn more
Physician - Neuro-Ophthalmologist at ProMedica • Learn more
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor for Ophthalmology Research at Byers Eye Institute, Stanford Medicine • Learn more
NANOS Social Media handles: Instagram (@NANOSneuroop) • Facebook (@NeuroOphthalmology) • Twitter (@NANOSTweets) JNO Social Media handles: Instagram (@journalneurooph) • Facebook • Twitter (@journalneurooph)
NOVEL Social Media handles: Instagram (@NOVELNANOS) • Facebook (@NOVELNANOS) • Twitter (@NOVELNANOS)
DONATE Consider making a donation to NANOS today. Your contribution will help NANOS fulfill our mission, attract young neuro-ophthalmologists to our sub-specialty, foster research in Neuro-Ophthalmology, and continue high quality educational programs and successful Annual Meetings.
NANOS is a 501-C3 not-for-profit organization and contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
NANOS does not have any formal restrictions on any awards/donations unless the donated amount is $10,000 or above. For additional information on restrictions, please contact info@nanosweb.org.

 | Membership Inquiries: Vanessa Carter NANOS Membership and Communications Specialist info@nanosweb.org 952-646-2028 |  | Annual Meeting Inquiries: Tara Thebeau, CMP NANOS Meetings Manager meetings@nanosweb.org 952-641-2293 |  | Sponsorship and Partnership Inquiries: Christa Martin NANOS Strategic Partnerships & Meetings Specialist christa@nanosweb.org 952-646-2060 |  | Executive and Board Inquiries: Toma Ossian, CMP NANOS Executive Director toma@nanosweb.org 952-646-2047 |  | Janel Fick NANOS Consulting Director & GMP Partner jfick@gmpartners.org | |