Nominating Committee Highlights

MAY 2023

What is your committee working on and how does it impact NANOS Members?
The Nominating Committee prepares the slate of nominees for officer and executive board positions on a yearly basis. We discuss all nominations and vote to elect new board members each time a position becomes available.
This committee used to be in charge of proposing Hoyt lecturers for the annual Hoyt Lecture given each year during the AAO meeting. Now this task is performed by the Hoyt Selection Subcommittee that is comprised of past Hoyt Lecturers. 

What resources should the membership be aware of?

  • To view the current slate of Board members and check their terms, please click here.
  • Interested in serving on the NANOS Board? A call for Board and Officer nominations will be sent in the fall.  
  • Check out interviews with past or current Board members about their NANOS' journeys and how to get involved. 
  • Historical Board listing is available here

Did you know that NANOS has 40+ committees and taskforces? 

NANOS is proud of and grateful for having so many engaged volunteers who are passionate about advancing our mission. All our volunteers are the blood vessels of our organization. All that NANOS does ties back to their ongoing efforts and hard work behind the scenes.

Please click here to view all 2023 NANOS Committee Highlights. 

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