2016 NANOS Annual Meeting

PROGRAM We have an outstanding program planned for this year. Click on the button to the right to view the FINAL NANOS 42nd Annual Meeting Brochure!


Walsh Best Abstract by a Fellow: 
Ivana Vodopivec, MD, “It is, is it not?”

James A. Sharpe Award by a Fellow: 
Michael D. Richards, MD, “Abnormal Integration of Audiovisual Spatial Information in Amblyopia”

Best Abstract by a Resident: 
Kimberly K. Gokoffski, MD, “Electrical Fields Direct Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Growth”

Best Abstract by a Student: 
Amulya Gampa, “Change in Peripapillary Bruch's Membrane Shape Can Be Detected 1 Hour After Lowering of Intracranial Pressure by Lumbar Puncture”

Hoyt Lecture Award: 
Anthony Arnold, MD, “Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: The Evolving Profile, 1966-2015” 


As the NANOS Annual Meeting continues to grow, so does the size of the syllabus! Therefore, several components of the NANOS syllabus have been converted to online only and are available on the NANOS website. They include the following: Committee listing, historical Board information, past faculty and meeting archives, award recognition, bylaws, and the membership directory.

NANOS is no longer distributing USB drives with a pdf of the NANOS Syllabus. Instead, we encourage all attendees to click on the link below to access a downloadable pdf of the Syllabus, which can be saved to any mobile device for viewing throughout the Annual Meeting.

Please CLICK HERE to download the FINAL NANOS 2016 Annual Meeting Syllabus!


Click on the links below to view the complete abstracts for both poster and platform sessions.

Poster Session I: Clinical Highlights in Neuro-Ophthalmology    
Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology               
Scientific Platform Session I
Scientific Platform Session II

ePoster Kiosks: Please CLICK HERE to access the ePosters. Please  note that this will only be available for 2 weeks post meeting. 

NEW THIS YEAR! In order to accommodate the continual growth of high-quality abstract submissions, NANOS is thrilled to announce that two poster sessions will take place during the Annual Meeting.  Poster Session I: Clinical Highlights in Neuro-Ophthalmology will take place on Sunday, February 28 from 12:30-2:00 pm.  Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology will take place on Tuesday, March 1 from 6:00-9:30 pm.  In addition, all accepted platform and poster presenters have the opportunity to upload an ePoster to maximize attendee viewing for the duration of the meeting.  The ePosters can be viewed on the mobile app, attendee portal or via the onsite kiosks. 


Please CLICK HERE  to view the slides from the Practical Introduction to Statistics Session. EXHIBIT AND SUPPORT

NANOS would like to thank the following Supporters for the generous contributions.



NANOS would like to thank the following Exhibitors for their participation in our program

Booth # Company
1 Park Nicollet Health Services 
2 Heidelberg Engineering
3 Eye Care and Cure
4 Haag-Streit USA
5 Wolters Kluwer
6 LHON Project at UMDF 
7 RETILAB-Roland Consult
8 M&S Technologies, Inc.
9 NeurOptics, Inc. 
11 Merz North America
12 Konan Medical
13 iMatrix
14 Chadwick Optical, Inc. 
15 Novartis Pharmaceuticals
16 Good-Lite/Richmond Products
17 The Fresnel Prism & Lens Co.
18 ECLgroup
19 Voxeleron, LLC

Claiming CME is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Access the NANOS 2016 Annual Meeting Evaluation by scanning the QR code included on page 3 of the brochure OR by using the following link:
2. Complete the evaluation of sessions attended. The evaluation can be completed during the meeting or before March 17, 2016.
3. Upon completion, download and/or print the interactive PDF CME form from the “CME
Verification and Hours” section after you enter your name, email and hours claimed. A copy of the CME verification will also be emailed three weeks after the meeting.

Total Annual Meeting Credits: 30.75 Credit(s)™

The American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (ABPN) and American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO) have approved the entire annual meeting for Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
self-assessment credits.

In order to obtain MOC credits, the ABPN and ABO require that you take a pre-test and post-test to measure the change in knowledge. 

This is optional, but in order to participate, you must CLICK HERE to take this exam prior to the start of the Annual Meeting.  We will send out a separate post-meeting test after the meeting.TRANSPORTATION  

Arizona Stage Coach  is offering discounted airport transfers for all NANOS attendees with a savings of nearly $20 per round trip.

Please click here to book your reservations online with Arizona Stage Coach and use the promotional code: NANOS to receive the discounted rate. For more information on this offer, please click here to download Arizona Stage Coach's flyer.

The average taxi fare from the Tucson International Airport is $45.

Please click here to view a detailed list of local Tucson attractions including shopping, family outings, and a local restaurant guide.

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