NANOS Clinical Survey and Investigation Request Policy

To facilitate clinical research in neuro-ophthalmology, NANOS will announce qualified clinical surveys and investigations to the membership. Posting is free to members and at a cost to non-members. Please note that the announcement of a study does not imply endorsement by NANOS.

In order to have an investigation posted, interested parties will need to comply with the following:

  1. Draft a sample announcement letter that includes the rationale of the study and the specific question that will be addressed by the investigation.
  2. Send a brief statement (short paragraph) explaining how the study is relevant to neuro-ophthalmology or NANOS members.
  3. The study must be IRB approved. Please provide copy of IRB and any other relevant approvals.
  4. If the study involves a questionnaire, a pre-review of the questionnaire by the NANOS Research Committee will be required prior to approval of the posting.
  5. If the study involves a clinical trial, then it must be registered at, and the announcement should contain or provide a web link to a site containing the following:
    A. objectives of the study
    B. details of subject participation
    C. inclusion and exclusion criteria
    D. potential risks or benefits

Submit details to The Research Committee Chairs will review all submissions before posting to the general membership through NANOSLTR. General metrics the Research Committee will consider when deciding to approve a study to be posted:

  1. Relevance of the research to neuro-ophthalmology (does the study address questions/conditions relevant to the practice of neuro-ophthalmology).
  2. Relevance of NANOS members to the research questions being addressed (does the study require specific input/participation from neuro-ophthalmologists).
  3. For NANOS members: If a study does not meet above metrics, how surveying NANOS members will help advance the NANOS member’s research program will be considered.
  4. Is there appropriate ethical and regulatory oversight of the study (e.g. documented IRB approval/exemptions).

Please allow 5-7 business days for your request to be reviewed. Postings will be conducted in the following manner:

A. If a NANOS member requests distribution and  is organizationally involved in the survey or investigation, then NANOS will internally distribute the advertisement free of charge with the following disclaimer:

Disclaimer: This message is sent on behalf of NANOS member(s) [Name of member(s)]. Please note that this email does not represent an endorsement of the study by NANOS. Per NANOS Clinical Survey and Investigation Request policy, the message/posting was pre-approved by the Research committee chairs for posting on the NANOS listserv as the research outcomes may be of value to neuro ophthalmologists, or the input of NANOS membership may be important for the success of the study.

B. If membership is not involved in the survey/clinical trial, then NANOS will internally distribute the advertisement to members at a cost with the following disclaimer:

Disclaimer: [Name of investigator and/or company] purchased the right to have the NANOS Executive Office send out this message to its members in a manner that would not allow them to access your email addresses directly. Per NANOS Clinical Survey and Investigation Request policy, the message/posting was pre-approved by the Research committee chairs for posting on the NANOS listserv as the research outcomes may be of value to neuro-ophthalmologists, or the input of NANOS membership may be important for the success of the study. Please note that this email does not represent an endorsement of the study by NANOS.

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