2019 NANOS Annual Meeting

thank you FOR attending THE 45th ANNUAL MEETING!

Click here to view the Annual Meeting Brochure.

Congratulations to all Best Abstract by a trainee award nominees!  Visit the NANOS Honors and Awards page to view the complete list of winners.

How to Claim CME for the 2019 NANOS Annual Meeting

Claiming CME is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Download the NANOS Meetings mobile app from your device’s app store.
2. Select the “NANOS 2019” app and click “Download”.
3. On the main dashboard, click the 3 lines in the upper left-hand corner to setup your profile. Type in your name, e-mail, title and institution.
4. Once you have set up your profile, you can begin rating Sessions. Go to the Sessions icon on the dashboard and select the Session you would like to rate. Click the “Rate Session” bar at the top of the page. Please note, you can only rate a Session once the Session has begun. You must click on each individual session to complete the rating/evaluation, and you must complete the session rating/evaluation for all sessions for which you intend to claim CME credit. You may also complete the individual session evaluations on the mobile app desktop website: https://app.core-apps.com/nanos2019
5. At the conclusion of the meeting, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NANOS2019CME to complete the overall meeting evaluation and claim CME Credit. Deadline to complete the evaluation is April 12th. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will receive a link to download your CME Certificate.

Total Annual Meeting Credits: 29.25 Credit(s)™
ABPN Self-Assessment CME
The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has reviewed the NANOS 45th Annual Meeting and has approved this program as part of a comprehensive program, which is mandated
by the ABMS as a necessary component of Maintenance of Certification. Complete information regarding the ABPN Self-Assessment CME Maintenance of Certification requirements are
available at www.abpn.com.

ABO Self-Assessment CME
This activity meets the Self-Assessment CME requirements defined by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO). Please be advised that the ABO is not an accrediting body for purposes of any CME program. ABO does not sponsor this or any outside activity, and ABO does not endorse any particular CME activity.
Complete information regarding the ABO Self-Assessment CME Maintenance of Certification requirements are available at www.abop.org.

In order to obtain Maintenance of Certification (MOC) self-assessment credits, the accrediting bodies require that you take a pre-test and post-test to measure the change in knowledge. This test is optional for anyone not seeking MOC self-assessment credits.

Click here to complete the Post-Test.

certificate of attendance

Certificate of Attendance




  • Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation
  • Diagnosys LLC
  • electroCore
  • EMD Serono
  • Eschenbach Optik
  • Genentech
  • Konan Medical USA
  • Mayo Clinic Laboratories
  • MDochaus
  • Neuro Kinetics
  • Nextech
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals Company
  • Quark Pharmaceuticals
  • Regenera Pharma
  • Sanofi-Genzyme
  • Teva Pharmaceuticals
  • Wolters Kluwer

**Presenters, exhibitors, staff, members and other attendees at NANOS events should strive to create a professional, collegial, harassment-free environment that is welcoming to all.  Meeting attendees are expected to behave in a courteous, professional, and civilized manner and to respect volunteers, Executive Office staff, convention center/hotel staff, and one another.  Conduct that is unprofessional, offensive, or harassing is unacceptable, in both personal and electronic interactions at all NANOS events. Since NANOS does not have the resources to police conference-related events, formal or informal, NANOS cannot assume responsibility for the actions of any member or event attendee.


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