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Dear NANOS members:
As you might know, NANOS and the AAO have been offering co-branded courses at the AAO annual meeting.
The following steps are required for you as a senior instructor for an AAO annual meeting course to receive NANOS co-sponsorship:
1. Interested NANOS members should send their course outline and topic, titles, and speakers to Prem Subramanian, MD, PhD (prem.subramanian@cuanschutz.edu) and Peter Quiros, MD (quiros@jsei.ucla.edu) for review by the NANOS AAO Committee by October 10 of the year prior to the proposed AAO annual meeting.
2. The AAO-NANOS committee will then circulate among members for review and to make a final recommendation to the NANOS Board by October 15.
3. The NANOS Board will then decide on the results and NANOS will directly contact approved course directors by October 29.
4. The Member can then submit their course to AAO directly.
5. NANOS members submitting courses to the AAO annual meeting do NOT have to go through NANOS if they do not wish to have NANOS co-sponsorship and this will not impact the independent AAO selection process.
6. Preference will be given to NANOS courses which are skills transfer based or reach a large target audience and have a proven track record of success as judged by prior AAO evaluations
7. Co-sponsorship of courses shall be good for three years. However, if the session proposed was approved by NANOS last year, you must submit a written notification that the content of the course has not materially changed to Prem Subramanian, MD, PhD at prem.subramanian@cuanschutz.edu. If your approval is due for renewal, you need to apply for consideration again and provide a detailed summary of the proposed course (e.g. submit a title, instructors, and summary).
Previously approved co-sponsored courses:
Course due for renewal this year:
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Prem Subramanian, MD, PhD & Peter Quiros, MD
AAO Committee Co-Chairs