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The NANOS Curriculum and NOVEL Committees are working on a major update to the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum (IC). The editors have completed their review of the IC and have identified specific topics, that need learning objects such as manuscripts, video lectures, narrated PPT, diagrams, and images. We are asking you, NANOS members, if you can help us fill these gaps. As you know, the Illustrated Curriculum is available to NANOS members via the NANOS website and to academic institutions and non-members via Teton Data Systems Stat!Ref online products. Publication of the Illustrated Curriculum is a priority for NANOS and its educational mission.
Here’s how you can help:
Have you created, or can you create, a lecture, video, PPT or image related to one of these topics?
Please consider assisting us in completion of this important NANOS educational product, and support teaching and learning in the discipline of Neuro-ophthalmology. All submissions are peer-reviewed and you can cite all accepted submissions on your CV as a publications in an online educational platform.
These are the current topics we are trying to fill with learning objects such as case reviews, reviews in the literature, or overview lectures:
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!
Sachin Kedar and the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum Project Team