Contact us | North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Contact us

North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS)
NANOS Executive Office
1935 County Road B2 W Ste 165
Roseville, MN 55113

Membership and General Inquiries:
Ruva Schuster
Phone: 952-646-2037
Fax: 888-381-0170

Communications and Meeting Inquiries:
Billy J. Atwell
Communications and Meeting Specialist, NANOS
Phone: 952-646-2053

Annual Meeting and Marketing Inquiries:
Edina McAllister
Meetings and Marketing Manager, NANOS
Phone: 952-641-2293

Executive and Board Inquiries:
Toma (Tamara) Kinville-Ossian, CMP
Executive Director, NANOS
Phone: 952 646-2047


The NANOS Executive Office staff observes U.S. holidays and will be closed on the following dates:

  • Christmas / New Year's Celebrations - Monday, December 25th - Monday, January 1st
  • Memorial Day - last Monday of May
  • Juneteenth National Independence Day – June 19
  • Independence Day - July 4 (Also Mon or Fri if July 4th lands on Tues or Thurs)
  • Labor Day – 1st Monday of September
  • Veterans Day – November 11
  • Thanksgiving – 4th Thursday of November and the following Friday

End of Year Reset Week: The office will be closed for the five workdays between Christmas Day and New Year's Day or for an equivalent number of workdays between December 20th and 31st. For urgent inquiries during this week, please email

Rest-Up Week: The NANOS Executive Office will be closed during the week after the NANOS Annual Meeting from March 24th, 2024 (Monday) until March 28th, 2025, (Friday). For urgent member and meeting related inquiries, please e-mail or respectively as these e-mails will be monitored during this time.

Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Your Phone:
Question or Comment:
Subject: *

Patient Inquiries:

As a medical society, NANOS is unable to give any advice regarding specific cases.  If you are looking for a Neuro-Ophthalmologist, please click here to view a list of NANOS members.  In addition, several patient brochures are available here.  

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