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We have noticed that some of you have not been receiving official communications from NANOS (e.g. Society’s news or carefully curated free CME content from our partners). Please update your email preferences in your member profile to receive valuable content and take full advantage of your NANOS membership:
Here’s how:
1. Please log in to your Member Profile on the NANOS website using your username and password. If you cannot remember your password, please click here to reset it.
2. Under the Settings tab, click Email Settings to update your email preferences.
3. Please subscribe to both email lists so that we can continue delivering valuable content to you.
A. NANOS General News and Updates
Subscribe to receive NANOS’s monthly newsletter and stay up to date on NANOS resources, member updates, annual meeting announcements, information on upcoming programs and events and other news that is a tremendous value to members.
B. Carefully Curated Promotional Messages (i.e., free CME courses, webinars,podcast, etc).
Subscribe to receive messages related to free CME credit offerings or other content or products that is of interest to Neuro-Ophthalmology professionals. Please note that the content in these e-blasts is carefully curated, yet it should not be considered a NANOS endorsement or recommendation.
4. Make sure that both the ‘Yes’ button as well as the checkbox are clicked within your settings. See the picture below for reference.
Those previously subscribed to all NANOS communications: You have automatically been subscribed to NANOS General News and Updates but must opt-in to Carefully Curated Promotional Messages to begin receiving free CME credit offerings.
Those who have unsubscribed or opted-out of communications in the past: You will not receive any NANOS communications until you update your email preference settings.
IMPORTANT! Emails are the primary form of communication NANOS uses to keep members updated on news and developments within the Society, so please take time to make sure your contact information is up to date on your NANOS profile.
To prevent important communications from going into your spam folder, please whitelist info@nanosweb.org and meetings@nanosweb.org.
For any questions, please contact the NANOS Executive Office at info@nanosweb.org and we will be happy to assist you.